Tuesday, June 8, 2010

@ Home - VBS Day 3

VBS has been amazing the past few days. The first day we talked about Simon, and Jesus calling him whilst fishing (Luke 5:1-16). Jesus gave him a new name "Peter" and made him someone unique, while feeling accepted. The second day we talked about Peter walking on the water (Matthew 14:22-33) and about having faith. We did water games to fit the topic of the day, and it was pretty sweet. Tonight we talked about Peter's denial of Jesus 3 times (Matthew 26:31-35; 69-75) and I'm not sure if it was good... more so strange that when I came back into B200 after eating some food that the speaker was leading ALL the kids in the Sinner's Prayer. I look at Angela and she looks back at me, and we are just in shock of what is actually going on. This was not right for the speaker to do that, so she got up after that happened and said that she agreed with what the speaker was saying but that it was their choice and they can talk to the leaders or herself, or Pastor Chris about what it means to follow Jesus. She went on to say that at Chandler Christian Church we believe baptism is the next step so there is a class for that as well. She gave me the wide eyes when she was talking about that... it was so strange to have the lesson end with the speaker leading everyone with the Sinner's Prayer... Well that was quickly offset by the mention of the pudding games that we had tonight. It was totally Awesome! I was all puddin'd up.

As we were walking to the field us male leaders were discussing how we were going to take down a kid if he wanted to dive into the pudding pool. One of the mentioned take downs was the "tickle them until they pee take down" I immediately laughed and thought that was a great idea. I don't know why law enforcement don't use that one :) Twas a good night for all, because there was much fun to be had. I mean who can say they had a pudding all over themselves from a pudding war. There were many cans of chocolate, vanilla, and tapioca used to make the pool full of pudding.

Also I got the job transfer to the Target Starbucks that I wanted, which is 4 miles away from my house... all freeway. And sadly tomorrow the Coquillard family (Joe, Lisa, and Traci) is leaving to Indiana for Joe's new Senior Pastor job. They will be missed here locally very much.

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