Monday, September 27, 2010

@ Home - Citicard Fail!

This was my bill that I got this month, and I looked at it and laughed. I posed the issue on facebook and asked people what I should do. Should I pay it or what?

Many told me to call Citicard and ask that they drop the charge. So I proceeded to do that this morning. When I called I talked with a guy (i think... he was very soft spoken kinda like Michael Jackson) named Ron and he heard that I wanted to see if the company would drop the charge. He put me on hold for 3 minutes and told me their proposed solution. It was to call back on the day the payment was due 10/13/2010 and ask that the balance get transferred to the next month. I told him the ONLY problem with that is that if I forget to call that day then I would be incurring a whole ton of charges and possible dent on credit score and such. I told him I didn't mind paying it, I just didn't want to send a check for $.01 and put a $0.44 stamp on there to send it to them. So he told me I could pay it with my debit card and that he would transfer me to a specialist to pay the amount over the phone. I agreed and when he transferred me to the lady Ebony she told me that she'd be happy to take care of the payment over the phone. When Ron hung up after the transfer, I laughed and asked if she saw the balance in front of her to which she laughed and said yes. I told her that I just called to see if they would drop it and it be done with. She said "I can't believe they didn't drop the balance" and I told her the solution the proposed to me and she laughed again and confirmed how stupid that sounded. (I could tell at this point she was ashamed of the company she was working for and apologized profusely. She then told me she wasn't sure the one cent would go through with the debit card but offered to try. I gave her the numbers and she said it went through, so I thanked her and hung up the phone thinking "that just happened." Citicard is awesome at some things, but absolutely ridiculous at other things. 

Citicard Fail!

Friday, September 24, 2010

@ Home - soon to be in HD

Good News Peeps! I got a HD Webcam, so that means Chris Ryan in HD... not Full HD for all you techies, but 720p ain't bad. There will be more soon. 

Update: Here it is!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

After patiently waiting for this date for over a month, Verizon has failed me. I was told two times that I could upgrade a week ahead of time. And the lady that I talked to this morning said that I could order it though her, but I would rather wait longer and save more money via online. I am really eyeing the Droid X, because I think Android is the way to go and this X is a solid phone. So alas I will wait for another week so my “official” upgrade date can hit and I can hopefully save another $50 by purchasing it online through a coupon code. But now I can trust in God more by waiting.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

@ Home - Watching the last season of LOST

Today when I was singing the song Mighty to Save for the children in service, I realized one essential bit that I hadn't realized before. The songs says that God is the Author of Salvation. That means that God wrote Salvation into existence. I know it's quite elementary to think of that, but it still enlightened me how God is so cool like that.