Tuesday, September 22, 2009

@ Ozark - Productive Day

Today I tried out for Ozark's Baseball team; I did a mile in 6:23 and a 40 yard dash in 5.4 seconds. Apparently I am a longer distance runner than I am one who can sprint. Hmmm.... then why am I trying out for an outfielder... weird.

To get ready for open house for Boatman (where the ladies can come into the guys dorm rooms for a few hours) I went and bought some photo frames and printed some digital pictures. It now allows me to remember my home, back home. I am glad I did it because, I am proud to know my brother, my family and Rachel.

I also used my AAA card today when my friends got their keys locked in their car. It was really sketchy because I didn't have to show my credentials at all. He just got the passenger door open before I even got outside and he said that he just noticed his tow truck had a fuel leak, so he had to go. It was really shady, but the door was opened, so the problem was solved.

Tonight was open house, and I got many comments on how the passer by's liked my bandanas hanging on the wall. So that was cool, but yea... it's just open house. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

@ Ozark - Why must I have crazy ideas?

From looking back at my life I see that God has made me to be different. No so much different that I might look different than others physically, but just the way my mind works. I really think I might have the mind of a female sometimes because I overanalyze things and just make a mess of things in my mind. In other occasions I have crazy ideas of the purchasing nature. Since I am always looking for newer, crazier things it would seem natural that I could find some fascinating.

I like car audio and because of it, I have fashioned this idea that I am going to bring a car audio system, into the house and make it work. I plan to do this with a large AC/DC power supply. When I used to work at Circuit City, our car stereo boards were run off of a large AC/DC power supply. This allowed the boards to power multiple head units, a 4 channel amp to power speakers, and also an amp for some subs. I, basically have this idea that I would like to do that, but in my room. The thought might get jumbled around but when I realize what my priorities are, cease to exist, or it may manifest into something more, and actually happen. Right now I’m hoping on the latter, but who knows.

This is just but a glimpse into my mind; it’s a strange one that’s for sure.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

@ Ozark - Best QT in a long time

I have been going through Genesis during my quiet times and don’t think I ever grasped the story as much as I did this time around. In and around Genesis 25-28 Jacob and Esau, who are twin brothers, have hatred between one another. Basically Jacob is a crafty fellow and gets Esau to sell him his birthright for a little bit of stew, when Esau was extremely famished. Then when Isaac (their father) is old and wants some good food, he asks Esau to catch and cook something up good before he blesses Esau. Jacob tricks his father into giving himself the blessing by dressing up like Esau. So Esau has every reason to be mad at him. Well Jacob moves away and is gone at least 14 years, then he establishes a family and wants to move back toward home. In Genesis 32 Jacob prepares to meet his brother Esau again, but with gifts. It’s strange though because it doesn’t seem like Esau is up to the task to meet his brother alone, so he brings 400 people with him. At this point I’m thinking all of them are going to be yelling “fight, fight, fight, fight!” When in Genesis 33:4 it totally flips around, because Esau runs up to his brother Jacob and throws his arms around him and kisses him. Right when I read this, tears started forming and I was just thrown at the mercy of Bible. It’s this kind of love that I need to show to my brother Drew at all times; even when I feel I have taken away everything from him. This story instantly made me think of Drew and I and such, and just what it was like to come home from the 1st semester away from him and to give him a big hug. Oh gosh, I really feel that I need to do it again, soon. I just miss my brother; he is a vital part in my life, even though he wishes he weren’t.

This is dedicated to my brother.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Home - Going to bed crushed

I just watched 2 people break up in a show that I watch (Royal Pains) and for some reason it hit home to me especially hard. They were thinking it could be viewed as a summer fling and such, and for the past 3 years I have had that same exact experience. This year I told myself that I am not going to date during the summer, because right when school starts it's a whole different story. It just reminds me of the confusion that always hit me when the relationship never continued. It's saddening how much effort I put into each, yet the future return isn't what it seemed it could be. I just don't know how I feel about relationships now, they just seem so ridiculous; of course it's much different when you are in one. I prayed for my future wife this morning, but I'm not sure I will even notice her. Hmm

Monday, July 13, 2009

Home - Wondering and Frustrated

Today was a productive day, but strange. I filled out my updated Financial Aid Award letter and sent that in with a check for the remainder of my student account balance. I asked Drew to loan me the money so that I could pay that, and I told him that I would pay him back. I also had my In-N-Out interview, which I was really talked up before I even got there. Apparently Danielle Tetreault said I would be the employee hire of the year, so that is something really nice to hear. I have my 2nd interview tomorrow with another lady.

Something that I have learned is that I am a very social gamer. I literally only play games when I’m bored and only with someone else. Now that changes from time to time when I get a new game, then I will focus on that. But for the most part after I have had games long enough to get used to them, I hardly initiate the gaming without someone nearby playing. 

I also think sometimes life can be like a drug. There are certain memories in life that you want to try to achieve again, sorta like druggies who are always after that 1st high feeling. I feel that when I was younger things were better, and they really could have been, but I think I need to shift my mindset sometimes. 

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Home - 4th of July

Today was a pretty sweet 4th of July. I went to the Tempe firework show with a group of people. The day started off however by going to John’s house whom is a friend of Drew more than he is with me. It was kinda fun playing volleyball in his pool and just messing around once I got comfortable. It was a different experience though. Then I went to the Hodgins house to see if Kaylee and Kristin wanted to go with me to the Tempe firework show, but they didn’t so I just left about an hour and a half later. I ended up bring home a sunburn though on my shoulders and neck. I was afraid of that, and wasn’t really careful, but it happens to the best of us… especially Irish. The fireworks were great as usual and I’m certainly glad I went.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Home - What happens when I get bored

When I get bored I decide to make videos like this:

Monday, June 29, 2009

Home - Dealing with Integrity

Yesterday’s big-church service message was on integrity in the workplace. The whole time during the service I really thought that I could have knowingly falsified my FAFSA in favor of receiving a Pell grant. Although I could have gotten free money, the spiritual repercussions and the possibly exposure repercussions would have been devastating. I took the step to call Ozark and find out the correct procedure to fix it, and it worked out well. So the verdict is that I am now not eligible for the Pell grant, but that I can sleep better knowing that I am more right with God.

Monday, June 15, 2009

UCYC Jr. High - 1st day

Today is the first day at camp, and it has been a good one. I went mountain biking for the first time since I went with Chris Hedrick and fell right on a cactus. It was fun, but there was a lot of stop and go action going on because of people falling off; I was included in that too. I did go across some tree width bridges and made them 1st try and then a sweet jump at the end. I also got some footage of people going across the last jump.

I saw Nick down at lower camp when we went for breakfast and it was awesome! I also saw the kiddos, Danielle, Angela and Adam Hofmann.

On Thursday our church has the paintball field to ourselves for 4 hours. I totally brought my gun so I’m super stoked.

Summer has been great, but I still don’t have a job and I’m still praying about that; trusting in God every step of the way.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Home - Yesterday was a Great Day

I had a great day yesterday. It was just good. I woke up at 9am and watched a couple hours of Burn Notice on TV then went to donate plasma. I hardly ever watch TV, but since it was on I just watched it. I ended up bringing my Communicating for a Change book with me that I hadn’t started until yesterday and read some really funny things in the first 44 pages. I came home and had KFC with my family and I rode in the Boxter with my mom to get the meal; the ride was really nice. Then I just lounged around I guess and decided to go running at 8:30pm and then came back before the new Burn Notice and Royal Pains show debut. I don’t know what single handedly made my day, but it was probably just doing things different, like reading and actually watching TV that made it significant.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Speaking at Church today

Today has been an all over day for me. It has been one of the greatest times I have ever spoke and it has been a butt kicker in other aspects.

Today I gave a 5 minute testimony about the power of the Word of God. I told the kids that I wasn’t raised Christian, and I remember reading the Word of God when I got a Bible. I was reading Proverbs and was told by another Christian at the Bible study that he thought it was really cool that I was reading the Bible more than them. I always had this passion for knowing more of God’s Word. I went to college at ASU for computer stuff and still wanted to know more. So after ASU I went to Ozark to spend time learning more about God’s Word. The verses that we were talking about were Matthew 7:24-27 and how the foolish man builds his house on the sand but the wise man builds his house on the rock. I told the kids that I didn’t have that foundation growing up that they were getting, so that’s why I was going to Ozark, was to get something that I missed growing up. Just before I finished I told the kids that I thought they were the luckiest kids on earth, because they get this biblical foundation now, before they are all grown up and to not take God’s Word for granted.

At the 10:45am service a lady came up to me and smiled and thanked me for speaking. She said that it was exactly what she has been dealing with and that I nailed it right on the head for her. This was also the same lady that Angela came up to me and asked me if I knew what her name was, because neither of us has seen her there before. She was sitting in the back with a younger kid, which was presumably her 4th-6th grade son, and came up after I passed by her. It was probably the neatest thing I have experienced when I spoke.

But what rips something like this comment down to nothing?

When I see people who are doing what I would like to end up doing later in life, but they are doing it at a younger age. I get jealous and almost want to start growing up quickly. I just need to learn to let life take me where I need to be. Sure it’s alright to be mature and start taking responsibility and initiative. But as my brother said either extreme is bad, and that the middle ground is usually the best option. I just have dreams that die hard, and I strive to make them a reality, but stuff interferes.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ozark - Semester End

This semester has been fun, challenging, and just time that I spent finding myself amidst life. I certainly think I have achieved that, even though the finding myself is not done yet. I learned a lot my first semester and am excited to go back to learn even more.

Some things I have learned this semester is the difference between being rude and being assertive, and how to be assertive.

I learned that some are there at Ozark to get their MRS and some are there to study.

I learned how conservative people can be in the US, and now know that I am not conservative compared to them.

I learned the value of my parents and close friends, and how irreplaceable they are.

I learned how extremely shy I can be when amidst people I don’t know.

I learned that people can be totally different in situations where they are away from their home. Or maybe it’s just that I spent so much time with them that I saw a different side of them, maybe a more responsible side.

Overall I learned a whole ton, and am glad the semester is over, so I can be with those whom I call close friends and party it up awaiting for next semester in Arizona.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ozark - Skip Day

Today was skip day at Ozark, it’s a day where all the students skip class, so actually no classes are held. I had planned on going fishing with my friend Lacy, her friends and her family. I was so excited to go because I haven’t been fishing in forever. It ended up being stormy on Wednesday and Thursday (skip day) so we didn’t end up doing that.

Instead I figured I would go to Lito’s BBQ that he invited me to at his apartment. It was great, because it was just a close group of us, and the cheeseburgers were the best homemade I have ever had. Lito is a great cook. I invited Lacy to come along because the fishing thing didn’t work out, so we went from 12-2:30 and just hung out over there talking to everyone and just have a good time. So then we had planned to go to her house with her friend JD and watch Smallville and The Office. It was great idea because I wanted to meet her parents, because they were the ones who encouraged me enough to try and fix their laptop (which I did do successfully). Her parents ordered pizza there, and we also had salad. Then we watched a little of the Bulls vs. Celtics championship game which the Bulls ended up winning in triple overtime. Later we had ice cream and cake, which was awesome and then we left shortly thereafter. It was a great time hanging out with Lacy, getting to know my friends’ parents and having fun on Skip Day. It was really strange, but I thought it would be really weird eating dinner with a new family. It generally is for me and that kind of stuff, but Lacy’s parents have a sense of humor against her in a way, so it was kinda fun to poke fun along with them. It really made me feel pretty welcome into their family. Today was a good day!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


If there is something that I have learned over the past week it is give what you have. I have so much going for me. I mean I have a bachelors degree that nobody can take away from me, I have computer knowledge that nobody but God can take away from me, I have lots of stuff that I used every day, and also stuff that I hardly use. So the point is that I have stuff, sure everybody has stuff; some nicer and some worse. So when I was at church a week ago, I got emotional about the message. Our duty as Christians is to give. And I even remember when I was in the Hayden Library nevertheless, working on class work, and a high school-ish looking kid came up to me and asked if I wanted to donate for some missions that they were doing. My first hesitation was certainly no, but I remember something in the back of my mind said “Give!” He asked for a donation of like $100 and I said that I didn’t have that much because I was an intern at a church and didn’t make much. But I did say something that stuck with me even today and last week at church. I said to him “What I have, I give!” and that struck me not at the time when I was filling out the credit card donation, but in the moments after when I thought about what I did.

I am really really... really fortunate to be where I am, even when I think I am perfect, someone like a kid this afternoon said “Hey there is something wrong with your nose!” I politely told him “Hey, it’s ok because I was born with it.” There is always someone who can put you in your place, often times it’s someone who truly cares about you, or who you have opened up a huge amount to and trust your vulnerability to. God put me in my place by allowing me to have compassion and be motivated, and “Joyful” to give. It’s such an unexplainable feeling to feel joyfulness to give. It’s something that I don’t often feel when giving a tithe and offering, but in the refocusing moment at church when I decided to go to Walmart and give my part in feeding the homeless, it was there.

No don’t just say “hat’s off to Chris, because he did something that I don’t even do” just realize that what you give matters, to God mostly, but possibly even to the person who is in need. I sure hope when I read this later in my life I can remember what was going on in my life, because it is a very uncomfortable time in my life, to change everything. I am still struggling with being outgoing, or to even make new friends, or to continue to nurture friendships here. I am constantly denied, put in my place, or yelled at; which hurts, but I always need to move away from it with some positive light. I am growing, changing, emotionalizing, learning, and continuing to pour myself out to those around me.

It’s even interesting to think that recently I have been praying for God to use me in unique ways during the day. To use my computer helping ability for those in need, to use my funny voices for laughter, to use my crazy personality to inspire, or to be a role model. I really feel that one of my major roles in life is to be a role model for those around me. It is something that God has put on my heart for the younger kids, and for those my own age. Let’s just say for those who knew me when I was younger, such as my brother, family, older friends, even Trevor, I hope they see the transformation I have felt in my life.

Just as a side note, Mark Moore preached today at CCO, and this week coming up is about healing the sick. I learned that the word for heal in the Greek is the word “sozo” which was interesting when I heard it. Sozo means to heal, cure, to make well or to renew. I thought of where I heard that word, and realized that I listen to some songs by a Christian DJ named Sozo. So now it all makes sense. So after church today, I bought some diapers and baby wipes, and various household medical things for next week’s donations to help heal those who are sick and in need.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spook Light

Tonight, instead of playing Star Wars, a bunch of us went out to go see the spook light. We were there and we passed the + on the road, where it is said to be seen. But then we're not sure so we keep going along. We see spray painting on the ground, meanwhile Lito says that he read on the website that there is writing talking about the spook light. So I quickly go in reverse and there it was, I laughed a loud as I read it. It said "I Love..." and had a penis with testicales drawn right next to it, and everybody in the car just starts dying laughing. We didn't see the spook light, but that made the night all better.

We then picked up Charlie and went for some IHOP. While we were there the waitress was really strange, she sat down and was putting her elbows on the table where Charlie and Greg were sitting to take our order. Then she started making fun of all of us, not like a little bit, but like calling Keenan short, calling Charlie red and such. It got really quiet after that point and especially when she found out Lito was a minister. Lito defiantly says it like it is when he notices that whenever people find that out, the conversation is dead. Ahh man what a great night. I'm glad I have friends like these.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break

Spring Break has passed and rest has occurred. I did some productive things during break, and some neat things, but it is now coming to a halt. I'm excited even to go to Church with Trevor today at Kingsway. I guess the most eventful thing I did over break was go golfing yesterday with Trevor and Kevin. It was a 9 hole course and I got a 56. It was a lot of fun, but it seemed like I was drained of all my energy at around the 6th hole, so I was moping around after that.

I went to Springfield twice during break and that was sorta fun. It is a long distance for an in-stock Best Buy or a Chipotle, but it was eventful both times. When I went to the Best Buy, I drove by myself and made calls to those that I loved. I only ended up talking to my parents, they were the only ones that picked up; which i'm totally alright with anyway. 

On St. Patrick's Day, I ended up fixing a laptop that I was most certainly scared of. I have not done a lot with laptops, and it was a very intrusive fix to replace the hinges of ones laptop. But with the encouragement of the my friend Lacy and her family, I did it, with no hiccups. I also had time to reformat the hard drive using the Compaq recovery system; which i now enjoy now that i know how to use.

I hope to go paintballing sometime soon, Trevor said that Lito will want to go before the semester ends. I told Lacy she also needs to come because I want to whoop up on her :)

Break was fun, it would have been more fun if A) I wasn't sick and B) I was able to sleep in Keenan's room the entire break. Lito's couch, although roomy, just wasn't a good place to get sleep longer than 6 hours. 

Oh yea and I learned one more thing during break, Cats Smell!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Furious at Missouri

I am just extremely furious right now with the Bio Life plasma donation place. They refused me because my License says Chris D Ryan whereas my Social Security Card says Christopher Dolan Ryan. Since it is not matching they won't let me give. I never once had a problem with this in Arizona when getting a job. It might be because I am out of state, but otherwise it may just be a fluke. I know that they might think that I am giving false records, but I am not. Arizona Department of Transportation won't let me change the name on my card unless I am there in person, obviously I am not so I can't get it changed. I don't know how to get a job down here if this will be the case with all places. 

I am just so distressed with this because I was banking on this to satisfy my small need for money, while I am here for school. It really may just be a trust issue with God, but I don't know why this is working me up so much. I honestly feel like I could just punch through a wall. I don't believe I have ever had a desire to let out so much energy in a destructive manner such as that. 


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ozark - Sickness

It has been a full week that I have been sick. I really don't ever remember a cold that has taken this long to get over. I felt really hot too, in the morning. It gets warm here and there's really no way to cool down, because I don't think they will let you use the air conditioner unless it's summer.

I don't usually become happy that I am sick, but this time for only Godly reasons I have. I don't know how God totally intends to use this but I have already leaned on the students around me to help out. I found out my classmate Jessica Howell is a natural healing kind of person, so she hooked me up with Vitamin C capsules. There is really just some cool stuff that is happening as a result of this sickness. I am in lots of prayer because of it, because it is bogging me down, but every prayer is not a petition for God to make his timing speed up. On a lighter note:

Wow, it was amazing. I called Drew to see what he was up to and to see if he wanted to play some Left 4 Dead with me and he actually picked up the phone with a great attitude. Maybe it was the sermon he just listened to or maybe it was the environment he was around, but it was a momentous event. Normally all I get from him is a condescending "yes Chris?" like I have a task for him to complete. I will give him the benefit of a doubt, by saying that I normally do ask him to do something... and now that I even think about it, I was asking him to play games with me... but that's besides the point. So normally I have a nagging connotation to my calls for my brother Drew. For a slight glimpse today it changed.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ozark - End of Preaching and Teaching Convention

I made some money today working over 7 hours at the Preaching and Teaching convention. Wahoo!

Weird things that I have found out:

Apparently it isn’t normal to have your skin turn red 10 seconds after it is scratched. The people in the dorm didn’t believe me till I showed them. They freaked out.

I like cookies a lot… maybe I am just in a cookie eating mood though.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ozark - Loving People

One thing that I am struggling with is how to love others. I get in my shy mood, and am always over thinking how people might perceive me or worse yet just dismiss me. I am not entirely in touch with the Holy Spirit that resides in me. The moment I do, I will be even more amazing in God’s eyes. I try to downplay this by involving myself within the church, rather than focusing outward. I can do it in pairs, with getting to know someone outside of the church, but it’s not something that I do by myself naturally.

As an example I met this gentleman named Kyle; Chris Gutierrez and I pushed his dead battery car out of the In-N-Out drive thru one evening. I was the first to hear the car trying to start, and came up with the idea to help out whoever it was. I consider myself like the disciple Peter, who is the first to do something crazy, and also the first one to run and duck for cover. I have attained a way to just endure it all, but I can’t say that I gave it my all. I think a lot of this could even stem from my view of my self worth. I don’t think I’m worth anything sometimes, maybe more accurately, most times. So I drown myself around other people, to make me feel better. I am like the misbehaving kid that just wants attention. I certainly did that growing up, so maybe that’s all that I know. What have I come to?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ozark - Valentines Day

So it has been a heck of a week. I took my first test in Principles of Interpretation and did alright on it for not studying too much; I got a C. I met some cool people, and did some amazing things.

The best thing that I did was go with Trevor to pick up his sister in Springfield Missouri. She was flying in for the weekend, and is going to hang out. So when we were driving back, Trevor wanted to stop by this playground he had driven by so many times. It has a 3 story slide,
so we all get up there and slide down the one that isn’t straight. I go first and slide down. It had sharp right turn in it and it was completely dark out, so it slams me into the side and I just start laughing. Well I’m laughing the whole way down now, and slam into a puddle on the bottom of it. It was raining a few days prior and had built a little water there at the bottom; Traci said that it was like a speed slide and the water got pushed out by my butt. Well then I am smiling and laughing ridiculously hard, and turn around to watch Kevin slide right into it also. Then quickly after Kevin experiences the puddle and starts laughing, Trevor comes flying out. I was laughing because Traci was laughing at his historically. Side note: I am a huge social laugher; sometimes I just laugh because everybody else is, or I am laughing at someone else’s laugh. So Trevor and Kevin are asking me amidst the laughing why I didn’t warn them and I just continue to laugh. After the laughter died down... 15 seconds later... I explain that I couldn’t because I was laughing so hard. It we then run back to the freaking car because it was so cold out. Oh wow was it cold, and now we were soaked. What a glorious night it was!

This afternoon I watched a basketball game that really intrigued me to watch basketball more often. I really wanted to sit by someone who knew the game so I could constantly be asking questions to learn the game. Lacy came and sat next to me at the very end of the game so I could ask her questions, but I wish she were sitting by me the whole time. I had so many questions, and forgot many to ask her.

So it’s Valentine’s Day (or singles awareness day) and I am without anything to do tonight. Literally it’s me, Charlie and Greg on the floor; everyone else is gone. And I don’t even know where they are now. It’s probably like a campus wide game of Sardines and I’m the last one who hasn’t found them.

I would like to go tomorrow to Oronogo and check out their Children’s Ministry service.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Ozark - A Great Night!

So it has been a heck of a week. I took my first test in Principles of Interpretation and did alright on it for not studying too much; I got a C. I met some cool people, and did some amazing things.

The best thing that I did was go with Trevor to pick up his sister in Springfield Missouri. She was flying in for the weekend, and is going to hang out. So when we were driving back, Trevor wanted to stop by this playground he had driven by so many times. It has a 3 story slide, so we all get up there and slide down the one that isn’t straight. I go first and slide down. It had sharp right turn in it and it was completely dark out, so it slams me into the side and I just start laughing. Well I’m laughing the whole way down now, and slam into a puddle on the bottom of it. It was raining a few days prior and had built a little water there at the bottom; Traci said that it was like a speed slide and the water got pushed out by my butt. Well then I am smiling and laughing ridiculously hard, and turn around to watch Kevin slide right into it also. Then quickly after Kevin experiences the puddle and starts laughing, Trevor comes flying out. I was laughing because Traci was laughing at his historically. Side note: I am a huge social laugher; sometimes I just laugh because everybody else is, or I am laughing at someone else’s laugh. So Trevor and Kevin are asking me amidst the laughing why I didn’t warn them and I just continue to laugh. After the laughter died down... 15 seconds later... I explain that I couldn’t because I was laughing so hard. We then run back to the freaking car because it was so cold out. Oh wow was it cold, and now we were soaked. What a glorious night it was!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ozark - Finding Myself

Part of this whole journey to Ozark is to find myself. I have already figured out a few things about myself so far. 

I can’t handle too much change so quickly. It’s like taking a land snake and tossing it into the water. It’s a total environmental change and has already posed as really tough for me. It’s not just because Joplin Missouri is someplace new, but it’s the fact that I have never had a roommate before, or lived on my own, out of my parent’s house. 

I also was raised in a household that stressed that you had to do everything yourselves. It was very much an individualistic upbringing. So when I am reading that there are people that are willing to help in every aspect of your life (mainly money) then I just have a hard time believing it. One of the reasons I find it so hard to just decide to go on a mission trip is because generally the person going has to raise they money themselves, by asking people to donate. What my mind is telling me is that, they WANT something in return and that I shouldn’t do it. It’s almost as if I don’t believe in the things I do myself, by helping people with computer/technology for free. I want nothing out of it more than just the Joy that God gives me for doing it. I mean it’s not like I don’t take what is offered, but in my mind I don’t expect such things. I know God is the one who blesses all, but I sometimes wonder where he is in my life. I love giving more than receiving, and when I do receive, I feel that it has to be perfect and genuine; otherwise I feel unsatisfied. I hope one day I conquer this in my life, if not, then know that I will be struggling with it until I do. 

On Friday, I got a Student Account Statement in my mailbox and apparently I have a balance of $3,715. I am not sure if my loan didn’t go through yet, but I am kinda worried. I just hope I can get it squared away before Feb 20th so that I don’t get a service fee added on top of that.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Ozark - Fun Friday

This morning I had my first OT test and I thought I was prepared for it, but apparently I was not. I had the Judges in order down, and the chapter summaries order, but there was a lot of specific info about what happened in the chapters. I didn't remember the name of who killed the ruler with a tent peg, or other such details. I know next test I will re-read the text and write down things that I think will be important. 

I built a Snowman today and it was incredible. It was certainly worthwhile to build one, while reliving childhood memories. 

I think my External Seagate hard drive I just bought is failing. It’s certainly acting kinda funny.

This weekend I have no other plans but to play Star Wars RPG on Sunday night. 


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ozark - Snow Day

Well today we don’t have school because it is a snow day. Apparently yesterday after lunch when I was walking back to the dorms, it was sprinkling. Well that sprinkling, when it hit the ground caused ice all over, and it was properly named an ice storm. Then it turned later into snowing, so classes are canceled today. 

I am a sucker for snow, so I loved it. Apparently when you see it as often as some of the people down here do, it is not a good thing.

My LG Dare is supposed to get here tomorrow. I hope FedEx still delivers if there is snow on the ground.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Verizon - Just call them

I got the Verizon thing squared away, so now I am getting a LG Dare. I just decided to call them on a whim, because I have had great customer service in the past. The plan is going to be the same cost, but did require us to switch our plan from America’s Choice to Nationwide Basic. I was talking to Charlie in New Mexico, and he was the most helpful person that I have experienced at Verizon. He helped me by answering all the questions I had about the plan change, and it is NOT more expensive. He even told me that I could upgrade my phone on my line rather than Drew’s, which was available. The Verizon store said I needed to wait for March 11th for that. I then asked if I could call him back right after I asked my dad about the changes. He said he would call me in 15 minutes. He could have said no, but he didn’t. Verizon is not only helpful, but also accommodating. Today is a good day.

I am now just remembering that things happen when all hope is gone. God is funny like that.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ozark - 1st Weekend and 2nd Week

The first weekend was good. The only memorable thing that happened during it was a bonfire on Saturday night. I met 5 different people that night. It was after that experience that I decided I want to strive to meet a new person every day.

I have never, up until this point in my life, heard that the reason there are people with different colored skin is because Adam and Eve had many different colored skinned children. Adam and Eve’s genetic code was perfect to have those kinds of children. It just astonishes me how awesome that is.

I found out that Verizon is stupid because they won’t let me get a LG Dare with our existing plan. The Verizon people in Arizona just flat out lied to me and said that I needed a Data plan attached for any touch screen phone. The Verizon people in Joplin said that I needed to have the whole plan upgraded to Nationwide blah blah blah. We are now on America’s Choice. Verizon must change their plans so much that they get the customers every time with stuff like this. Grr so I have to live with my phone that turns off all the time randomly, with volume buttons on the side that work only when they want to, and with a poor battery life.

This week has felt like I have been up at the student center every night, to watch a show.
Monday it was 24
Tuesday Fringe
Wednesday LOST

I just did my Exit Loan Interview for ASU, and it was disheartening how much I will end up paying back in student loans, on top of what I am taking out for Ozark. This is especially so, since it is an unsubsidized loan, so it’s accruing interest upon interest while I’m still in school.

Things are really starting to heat up, but only every so often. Today it felt nice enough to wear just a t shirt outside at 64°F.

Now I am just laying down, being lazy, after I just ate dinner. I really need to find a job that will give me some money to pay my monthly expenses.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ozark – First Weekend

Tyler Rice called me 2 nights ago while i was going to run some laps in the MPB. It was good talking with him and hearing updates with his Nursing program search and just life.

Yesterday it was so cold in the morning that it was actually snowing. I went down to the lobby to do my quiet time and saw flakes of what looked like snow falling from the sky; amidst the orange light outside. I looked around outside and it was certainly snowing. It wasn’t sticking, but snowing nonetheless.

Yesterday night I ended up going with Trevor to pick up some King’s Way kids and go back to Ozark and watch the basketball team get beat up. It was fun because i learned some basketball terms that i have never known before and such.

Fitting in is still a challenge and i’m not helping that by screwing things up. Everybody around me is finding out that their classmates just got engaged and such. It’s just a weird environment for the single and not looking. And although I am not looking, what bugs me the most about myself is that i am constantly wondering, and yearning for someone. Yes i can see myself being single till I am 40 (Namely a 40 year old virgin), but I just wonder why God gave me this love and compassion for kids. I mean doesn’t he want me to get married and have some little tikes of my own? I cannot be focused on this because then it will consume me.

I had my first memory work test yesterday in OT and it went great. I didn’t know it was fill in the blank so i memorized the whole verse, and probably spent way to much time doing so.

I now think my pride has a lot to do with why i might not be fitting in. I just don’t want to do certain things, and so I see it myself as being prideful. If i need to fit in, i need to go where the wind takes me. I can’t pick and choose everything i do, just because it’s comfortable. It’s just not natural to me, just like corn syrup.

I’ll see how the weekend plays out, because my roommate is going to be in Springfield and there are some other guys from the floor , out for the weekend.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ozark - Second Day

Today was another great day, not only just because of my classes. I had all my classes today:

7am: Principles of Interpretation with Chad Ragsdale
8am: O.T. History II with Woody Wilkinson
9am: Foundations For Missions with Chris DeWelt
10am: Creation Science with Ron Skaggs

I learned that the supposedly hardest teacher I have, Skaggs, does IT full time and only teaches part time. So I was immediately more attentive to his class. I talked with him after class about what he does and told him that I got my business degree in CIS and was looking for that kind of stuff after Ozark. He was talking to me another Chris, who did a year and a half of game design, about computers; it was great. We’ll see how the semester goes, but I had originally thought about dropping the class and picking up something else.

I then made a list together of things I needed to go to Walmart for and, then went. One of the things on the list was laundry detergent, something I have never purchased before. So giving an opportunity to my mom to help save the day I called her. She answered surprised that I was actually calling. I just was asking if I should go with liquid detergent or if I should use powder. I was raised using the powder detergent washed clothes, so I was leaning that way but just didn’t know. She just told me that I should go with whatever does the most loads for the money. She said I might want to stay away from Tide, because they didn’t like how our clothes looked after being washed with that. Moms are the best! We talked a little about classes and just what was new and how I was getting acquainted with Joplin Missouri. After she told me to call home tonight and talk to dad, she said the three magical words “I Love you,” and without hesitation “I Love you Mom” and then we hung up. I started tearing up madly after I hung up.

I can’t remember the last time I have said that with my heart being entirely in it. I didn’t know it would happen so soon, but am proud to say that I miss my parents and that I Love my Mom. I can only hope the same thing will happen when I call my Dad later tonight.

I then went around Walmart looking further for items I needed. I saw that Walmart had Verizon phones and asked the gentleman behind the counter if I needed a data package for the LG Dare touch screen phone. He said the only one that needed a package was the Blackberry Storm. I asked if I could get the phone on the spot, but realized that I had to be the primary account holder in order to do that. So when I call my Dad tonight I’ll ask him if it would be possible to get me the phone and ship it down here.

Also, I have a weird observation that the ladies that I have met down here before, never talk to me. I don’t know what it is, but I figure they are not trying to do it, it’s weird nevertheless. Now that I think about it though, Jeremiah’s fiancĂ© Kara is the only one who comes up and talks to me, so that’s nice.

I am excited for this semester of classes.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ozark - First Day

My first day was a fantastic one. I Woke up early, and decided to go to breakfast before my 7am class. The eggs looked as if they were cooked with tofu. They were very cube-esque and yellow. It might have been all tofu and one egg in the whole batch to make it look yellow. Paxman told me they bake their eggs because it takes less time so that might account for the crystal like architecture. The meal reminded me of UCYC’s meals, pretty good but you can tell it’s not the best quality.

As I was walking to and from classes, because it’s so cold (10 degrees) the tips of my ears hurt. As if they are screaming to me “uhh, hey down there it’s stupid cold here and you need to warm us up, yo!”

Principles of Interpretation sounds to be a fun rigorous class, and OT with Woody is going to be great!