Wednesday, September 16, 2009

@ Ozark - Why must I have crazy ideas?

From looking back at my life I see that God has made me to be different. No so much different that I might look different than others physically, but just the way my mind works. I really think I might have the mind of a female sometimes because I overanalyze things and just make a mess of things in my mind. In other occasions I have crazy ideas of the purchasing nature. Since I am always looking for newer, crazier things it would seem natural that I could find some fascinating.

I like car audio and because of it, I have fashioned this idea that I am going to bring a car audio system, into the house and make it work. I plan to do this with a large AC/DC power supply. When I used to work at Circuit City, our car stereo boards were run off of a large AC/DC power supply. This allowed the boards to power multiple head units, a 4 channel amp to power speakers, and also an amp for some subs. I, basically have this idea that I would like to do that, but in my room. The thought might get jumbled around but when I realize what my priorities are, cease to exist, or it may manifest into something more, and actually happen. Right now I’m hoping on the latter, but who knows.

This is just but a glimpse into my mind; it’s a strange one that’s for sure.

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