Monday, August 8, 2011

Ready to Shred! Are you?

So last time I was on the slopes shredding it up (not like this)

<---- but like this:

something happened to one of my highback side bolts :(

Well I finally took the initiative to investigate my broken snowboard binding further. I went to Home Depot, Lowes and even 2 different snowboard shops, and nobody could tell me where to get the piece. I finally found what the piece was called, it was a T-Nut and usually used for wood, but Burton used a special version in my bindings a long time ago. I went to one place and they didn’t have one small enough to fit in the hole, so they suggested going to ACE Hardware. I went there and found a circular one that fit, so I just figured that I would file the sides down and it would be perfect. So I did that and here’s how it turned out: 

Now I’m back in the game! So is this a creative or crude fix?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

@ Home Goods - Checking stuff out

I was walking around in the store and stopped by the pet section and found this little beauty. For the life of me I cannot figure out how a dog bowl and Jersey Shore are related.

I mean if it said Ohhh Yea, Water Yea! It would make more sense because Pauly D would say something like that. Really it’s the silliest thing I have seen in a while.