Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Smiling under the stars

It’s been a long time since I’ve blogged so I figured I’d give it a shot. Right now I am sitting in the back yard with some palm trees in front of me and the clear night sky all around. The big beautiful stars are out and are entertaining me. It’s been a long times since I have actually sat out and just gazed at the stars. I love it when it’s actually cold outside when doing so, because you just put on some heavier clothes and bundle up. I’m doing some pretty neat things with my finances in terms of paying off school debt and donating more than I have in past years. 

I’m doing really well in regards to surgery recovery; I am trying to spend more time with my dad who is doing excellent since surgery. I love him so much; it’s just hard to endure when his love language is one that I am not familiar with. He’s just a tough nut to crack, but I guess that’s just what life has given him. 

I also think I’m doing well with spiritual discipline. I always think there is room for improvement with everyone including me. For instance there are times when I am just too selfish and I use my time purely for myself. Sure that’s good every now and then, but I’m always striving to invest my time accordingly so that I may help others. I am a giver, that’s just what I am. 

There have been a lot of good changes that I have put into place and I am more outreach oriented with those around me. What makes it hard though is I have night shifts at work and it’s not very conducive with my friends and wanting to do things, especially on the weekends. I just have to prioritize them when I can because I don’t see them that much. 

Overall, I just need to remember to just live life with my eyes on Christ, and he will set my feet in the right direction.