So last night I had a dream that I was literally possessed by a demon, and it was weird because cat’s the size of squirrels were attacking me and inflicting pain on me. I don’t remember what all I did as a demon, but I just remember getting attacked like crazy.
Well today I was hanging out with Kamie and told her about my dream, so I told her to keep her cat away from me. When we were making dinner, the cat came over to eat some food, so I reluctantly just decided to pet it… because I was kinda scared of the dream coming true. I did though, and the dog came over, so I was going to pet it, and it bit me, I then was going to shake my finger at it and say no, but then it grabbed hold of my left thumb and began to repeatedly bite down on it like 6 times within a second. I tried pulling my thumb out of his mouth, but he kept biting. It didn’t look too bad after it happened, but within a minute it stared bleeding in one place. Kamie and her grandmother went to get hydrogen peroxide and clean the wound, while scolding the dog and literally beating it up. I was just in awe of what happened, because I have never been bit by a dog before. Kamie cleaned the bite for me like a champ and her grandma put a band-aid on it for me. They were such a good little paramedic team, I hardly knew what happened. They replaced the bandage in a few hours after Kamie saw that it had bled threw the bandage, and I pulled off the band-aid only to see more of the bite showing up. All I know is that I kept thinking District 9 when his hand turns into an alien’s because of some bite, or interaction with the aliens. I sure hope my hand doesn’t turn into something different.
Maybe I am possessed by a demon after all… it’s weird.
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