Thursday, December 30, 2010
@ Home - Digressing from a long day
The second thing was my Grandma Ryan died today, and I found out from one of my cousin status’ on Facebook. I also found out before my dad knew... it was his mom. Albeit my uncle tried to call him and he wasn't home, so it really wasn't my uncles fault... but still it just rubbed me so wrongly.
Wow, today was a long day. It was a day full of laughter and good times, yet also a hugely sad one as well.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
@ Home - After work
Thursday, December 23, 2010
@ Home - Grinning
Today Drew and I took another set of brotherly photos together. So we are going to use those as Christmas gifts this year.
It is so hard to find the time to look for an IT job when you are working about 40 hours a week. I will request that my hours come down soon here so I can take a stinkin break.
Otherwise I'm just living my new life
Monday, November 22, 2010
@ Home - Listening to what is next
Thursday, November 11, 2010
@ Home - Thinking about a career
Monday, November 8, 2010
@ Home - Life insurance & Surgery Date
My dad and I also scheduled the surgery date for December 1st. Everything came together really quickly that day with planning the final tests and meeting dates. We'll see what happens from here.
Friday, October 15, 2010
@ Home - Review and Updates

eBay Case Search Term: White Softgrip TPU Gel Skin Cover Case Motorola Droid X
Otherwise I am doing pretty well waiting for this Kidney surgery to happen. My dad has been getting better with his lack of Alcohol consumptions, and I am trying to get health insurance. The magic number that my dad is trying to achieve for a surgery date is November 14th. So that is fine, I guess, I just wish it was sooner. But I can't really get insurance before that, so it works out. I'll update this more often from now on... hopefully. And also I am going to visit my fabulous friends in Missouri and Oklahoma from October 19-28th, I'm so excited.
Monday, September 27, 2010
@ Home - Citicard Fail!
Friday, September 24, 2010
@ Home - soon to be in HD
Update: Here it is!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
@ Home - Watching the last season of LOST
Sunday, August 29, 2010
@ Starbucks - Blogging
Monday, August 16, 2010
@ Home - Kindey Testing Day
I got about 7 calls from different life insurance brokers wanting to help me find insurance today... it was really really annoying. I wanted to do this online so I would just get a ball park quote... not have 7 brokers all wanting to book me and give me a quote.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
@ Home - Lots of stuff
Monday, July 26, 2010
@ CCC - Running audio
Thursday, July 22, 2010
@ Home - Arizona Diamondbacks Flag Lady
Saturday, July 17, 2010
@ Home - After Jr. High Camp
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
@ Home - Thinking about blogging
My dad got a Casio G'zOne Rock because I showed it to him saying that it was the next version of my brother Drew’s phone the Casio G'zOne Boulder. It may be next version I’m not sure, but it seems like it. My dad’s Rock has all sorts of neat phone features:
Oh and another thing is that I tried the Droid Incredible today at the Verizon store and it seemed slow loading pages to me. I’m not sure if that’s Verizon’s end (some would be quick to say “yes”) or if it was the phone, It didn’t impress me much from first look. I didn’t however try out the camera… that is one think I’d like to see how it works. I mean c’mon 8MP in a stinking cell phone, how sweet is that.
Monday, July 5, 2010
@ Home - 4th of July
Sunday, July 4, 2010
@ Home - Smiling
Saturday, June 26, 2010
@ Home - Back from UCYC

Saturday, June 19, 2010
@ Home - After Ab Ripper X
Every time I do the P90X’s Ab Ripper X program I am reminded of why I am pursuing this Kidney transplant. I have a Father, who needs a kidney. The more I think about the future, the selfish I get. I want to be normal, but the circumstances that I am in don’t allow me to be. I am selfishly afraid of the consequences of only living with one kidney. I need to provide for my family, even if I don’t have one of my own yet. God has provided for me, so I must provide for those around me. I just hope someone meets me who can understand that and still love me. I want to carry out a love revolution.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
@ Home - After a quick run
Sunday, June 13, 2010
@ Home - Homeless & Holy Spirit teaching
Thursday, June 10, 2010
@ Home - What do I do now?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
@ Home - After my first day at the Gilbert Super Target
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
@ Home - VBS Day 3

Thursday, June 3, 2010
@ The VanEaton House (Shreveport, LA) - Digressing from the exciting day

It was awesome though because there were lots of interesting people there that we didn’t know… namely Pentecostals (who apparently to Courtney and Brielle wear skirts/dresses, and wear sandals and don’t believe in cutting their hair) and other folk. But Courtney’s friend Brielle is a stinking hoot. She is a really funny girl who said I reminded her of her friend Taylor. Well anyway, the Chick-fil-a in Shreveport wasn’t releasing the spicy chicken sandwiches. Another thing that was interesting was that right when we left I saw a swarm of bugs around the lights outside. I asked if that was something that normally happened and they said yes. But the flying bugs were everywhere. We didn't realize until we started walking to the car that they were all over the ground too. It was like a graveyard of the bugs, but some were on the ground twitching and getting back up and flying around. It seemed like they started trying to fly into us the closer we got the vehicle. It was really freaky and weird. To say the least, this was not normal, and they quickly retracted their "oh yea the bug swarm at night is normal" statement.
Today I spent a day with the VanEaton family and it was really neat and relaxing.

It was neat, because I learned about crazy bands today and Trevor VanEaton gave me one of his 42. He asked which sport I liked and I replied Baseball, so he gave me a baseball player throwing a pitch.

We just lounged around all day and then ran some errands and came back to make dinner. Susaan and Robbie made their famous breakfast (but for dinner) consisting of homemade biscuits and gravy. It was exceptionally good, and that is something that I will miss in Arizona.
Today was also the season premier of Burn Notice and Royal Pains, which I was anticipating for a long time. I ended up missing Burn Notice and only watching the Royal Pains, but whatev...
I am reminded that God is faithful. Nothing makes sense to me when it comes from God. He is the Good that is in everything. He provides me with much more than I need, even through the VanEaton's.
I’m excited to leave for Amarillo Texas tomorrow and to make a trip to Microcenter in Dallas along the way. I’m so weird, and I love computers so much that a trip to Microcenter is like a dream come true. Then I will roll into Arizona on Saturday June 5th. Then it will be the same as when Max says in Where the Wild Things Are “let the wild rumpus begin.”
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
@ Trevor's House - full of hope
Monday, May 31, 2010
@ The Bronson Home – Perfect close for a rough week
Friday, May 28, 2010
@ The Bronson Home - Trying to be patient
Thursday, May 27, 2010
@ The Bronson Home - Fruits of the Spirit
Yesterday at Delaware Baptist Church Chad talked about the fruits of the spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. It was such a needed lesson, because it reminded me of many things to continue doing. I also realized that Gentleness can be an attitude toward those with Love. Self-control really needs to come before the rest of the fruits of the spirit to be able to control the rest and keep them in check. Joy can be a choice or it can be given from God. I was also reminded of my Dad’s goodness that he has. I know firsthand that everything in me is not good, but that the good in me comes from God. My dad has that goodness in him, and I thank God for that.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
@ The Bronson Home - Freaking about application questions
What qualifications, abilities, and strengths will help you succeed in this job?
What are your career objectives?
Amount of overnight travel acceptable?
I have not thought that far ahead, and it's forcing me to. I'm scared what is next.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
@ Ozark - Amazing Day
Today was a really great day. I feel like I almost aced my Luke final exam, I hung out with my life group leader and got many free gifts. The dinner with the Life Group was the best part. We decided to go eat out somewhere, and Cliff treated us too food. So we ended up trying the little hole in the wall El Rey. I ordered a Burrito California, and it was stupid big. I mean El Vellarta and Chipotle have nothing on this burrito. And the owner gave Cliff a free hat, and I laughed because it was a trucker hat, but then he gave me and Adam one as well. Adam and I traded, so that I could get the maroon and gold one to match the hoodie I was wearing.
We started walking around after we obliterated those burritos, because it was the Third Thursday in Joplin. So we are walking around with our matching El Rey hats on and getting compliments left and right. Everyone wanted to know where bought the hats, so we pointed down the street where we came from. We walk around and see people we all know because everyone is out along Main Street. We asked each other where all these people came from, because Joplin is kinda small townish. After we were done walking around and checking out the art and listening to the music, we went back to Cliff’s house. He gave me a graduation present, along with some dress pants, dress shirt and a tie; all of which he couldn’t fit into or didn’t wear anymore. So I scored big I guess. Today was a great day because I just let life happen and it was Awesome!
Monday, May 17, 2010
@ Ozark - Helping the homeless
Helping the homeless was one of the most enlightening experiences I have had in awhile. Today at Watered Gardens we washed the homeless people’s feet, and then gave them new socks and shoes to put on and keep. I first met a man named Mike, he said he was 63, I believe, and I was talking with him about Arizona, and his life and what I came to Missouri for. I asked him what he was doing after this and he said he was headed over to the social security office and then had nothing planned. I then helped out a man named John, he was more of a scruffy looking guy, whereas Mike looked older and pretty well kept. John had some very dirty, old, and unkempt feet, and it was interesting washing in-between his toes. All I know is that some dirt or whatever came from in-between his toes. It was a great experience to just ask him what he was doing after and just asking him if I was tickling his feet, or providing any discomfort. With both men, we also gave soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste and a toothbrush. I didn’t really have Godly conversations with my guys like some others did, but I still know that God has touched them and provided for their needs. I need to remember just like 1 Corinthians 3:7-8 explains, that God is the one who changes and grows people, we don’t have that power.
I just hung around waiting for more people, but none really came so I helped move some food upstairs to downstairs and talk to fellow students. When I was leaving, a man named Moses pointed me out and wanted to talk. He noticed I had my Arizona State hoodie on and asked if I went there. I told him that I graduated from there and now I am here. He was telling me that he helped build the 101 Freeway and that he also did work in Tucson. He moved to Missouri on a whim that he was in love with his girlfriend. But when he got down here her and her son stole his car and wrecked it. So he has been struggling ever since. He got some good work out here doing concrete and house building work, so the money was good and he bought trucks, a boat, 4 wheelers and just fun things. But then there was all of a sudden no work because of the economy, so he ended up having to sell most everything to pay the bills. Now he is living on 7 acres of land that another friend of his owns and is living in a 14x22’ storage shed with electricity. He is just living life, but was out at Watered Gardens to try to get groomed and find some work around here so he could help his friend that has been blindly providing for his needs. He was such a great role model for me when I was talking with him. Even as I am writing this I’m getting shivers because of the conversation we had. We were both pouring out hearts out to each other. Eventually we started talking about Offroading and the kinds of things he and his buddy had put together and the KOH – Something something hammer racing events that were about 2 hours away from Joplin that is a stress rally for offroading. He was telling me about all the vehicles that were used and what to have in them so you can lock up the back tires together or separately with a single lever (apparently making them non street legal). He poured out his heart and said if they can have power lifters doing what they do, but Glorify God with it, then someone can have offroading clubs and demonstrations that lift up God and promote his Kingdom. I believe that is something that has been put on his heart, and I told him about my dream with computers and making an outreach with that as well. Ugh… there are just so many good ideas that “could” work, but who knows what kind of Church would help fund that kind of dream.
It really hit me as I was talking to Moses, I am just so blessed and he was too. I started tearing up while I was talking to him and started choking up while I was headed back to my car. I am so blessed and I often don’t recognize it. Thank you Lord for your patience with me
Thursday, May 13, 2010
@ Ozark - Applying for Jobs
I found some jobs here locally for Leggett & Platt. I had never heard of the company prior to moving out here to Joplin, Missouri. Apparently they have a large presence here in Carthage, Missouri. The two jobs that I stumbled on were Network Security Analyst and Logistics Systems Analyst. From the descriptions both sound like amazing opportunities to start with. Because there is no listed experience required, it’s safe to assume that I might have a chance.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
@ Ozark - Being vulnerable and following
Friday, May 7, 2010
@ Ozark - Direction
Thursday, April 29, 2010
@ Ozark - Memorizing scripture
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
@ Ozark - Taking it slow
There are just so many factors against Kamie and me, that at times our relationship doesn’t seem possible. I told her that I liked the Depeche Mode – Enjoy the Silence lyrics:
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
And I found that applicable to the times that we have been having. So I don’t know what happens from this point on, but it is going to be taken slow.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
@ Ozark - Reading a Book
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
@ Ozark - I am the oldest
I just realize that I am now the oldest person on Boatman 3rd. I kind of found that daunting when I realized that a second ago. Greg Hull just moved off the floor, into his big boy rental house, so that leaves me, a mere 24 year old… to be the oldest one on the floor. Weird…
Among other updates, I have met a wonderful lady whom I am proud to be the boyfriend of. Her name is Kamie and she is from Oklahoma. I met her through my old roommate Chad Bronson and was strangely not looking for anything, yet it happened.
I also have been getting tested for cross compatibility to see if I can donate my kidney to my dad, so that he doesn’t have to be on dialysis anymore. So far after 2 rounds of testing I am compatible. I did the third round of blood work today, so I should hear the results from Jennifer in less than a week from now. Exciting!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
@ Delaware Baptist Church - Thoughts after Chad's lesson a few days prior
I need to change my attitude towards God. I will pray expectantly knowing full well that God can and will move me. I am a Christian; I am not popular by default, but am always striving to be. When will I care about people’s souls rather than how they treat others. Shoot, even I myself, manipulate those around me so that I am comfortable. When can I comfort those who I don’t want to comfort, or outwardly pray for those that need encouragement? God tear me in a way that I cannot put myself together again. I will be hated among men, and should not be of this world. I will be made fun of, not because I have a mustache, but because I’m not experiencing life in a way that others do. Even at Floridino’s, upon my faith in you, others made fun of me. I continue to pray for boldness but completely forget what it looks like. Lord immerse me in that again, because I never want to forget what it is like to be lost in the world, searching for something more. Fill me in your truth because I want to be the light and the example for those around me. I also never want to feel like I have it figured out, because I never will. I must seek you and others at the same time. Allow me to be your bridge O God. Thank You Lord. Amen
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
@ Ozark - Feeding the 5,000
Today in my Gospel of Luke class we were talking about Luke 9:12-17, where Jesus feeds the 5,000. Now, this is the only miracle that is recorded in all 4 Gospel accounts. But our teacher Gerald Griffin (Griff) was talking about the Twelve disciples just getting done healing the sick and RAISING DEAD PEOPLE TO LIFE. They obviously know their power that Jesus gave to them in Luke 9:1-2. But now somehow they are not sure what they need to do. Jesus wants them to figure out what to do in the situation in Luke 9:13. On a side note it says in John 6:6 that Jesus already knew what he was going to do about the hunger situation. But Griff was saying that after they were doing all these miracles like raising people from the dead, that he doesn’t know what to think about the Twelve’s faith. Griff was also surprised that Peter, being the way he is didn’t speak up with his tenacity and offer to do a miracle to feed them. I was thinking when he said this, well shoot, I bet Peter is thinking ‘I shouldn’t have raised those dead people, because now they are wanting food too.’ I told Griff about this and he thought it was funny enough to tell his classes in the future, that he wrote it down in his personal lecture notes. But really it might be true, because in Luke 8:55 Jesus told the 12 year old dead girl’s parents to give her food. So there may strangely be something linked to being dead and “waking up” from death to needing nourishment :) Cool huh…
Sunday, February 21, 2010
@ Ozark - scared to wake up tomorrow

So last night I had a dream that I was literally possessed by a demon, and it was weird because cat’s the size of squirrels were attacking me and inflicting pain on me. I don’t remember what all I did as a demon, but I just remember getting attacked like crazy.
Well today I was hanging out with Kamie and told her about my dream, so I told her to keep her cat away from me. When we were making dinner, the cat came over to eat some food, so I reluctantly just decided to pet it… because I was kinda scared of the dream coming true. I did though, and the dog came over, so I was going to pet it, and it bit me, I then was going to shake my finger at it and say no, but then it grabbed hold of my left thumb and began to repeatedly bite down on it like 6 times within a second. I tried pulling my thumb out of his mouth, but he kept biting. It didn’t look too bad after it happened, but within a minute it stared bleeding in one place. Kamie and her grandmother went to get hydrogen peroxide and clean the wound, while scolding the dog and literally beating it up. I was just in awe of what happened, because I have never been bit by a dog before. Kamie cleaned the bite for me like a champ and her grandma put a band-aid on it for me. They were such a good little paramedic team, I hardly knew what happened. They replaced the bandage in a few hours after Kamie saw that it had bled threw the bandage, and I pulled off the band-aid only to see more of the bite showing up. All I know is that I kept thinking District 9 when his hand turns into an alien’s because of some bite, or interaction with the aliens. I sure hope my hand doesn’t turn into something different.
Maybe I am possessed by a demon after all… it’s weird.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
@ Ozark - Pondering
I just got done talking with one of my professors about help with an exegetical paper. I was walking back to the dorm thinking what on earth am I going to do with this incomplete paper, and just the worries of how my passage is going to fit into another paper for a different class? Right then, it hit me. This is just like when Jesus’ mother Mary, was pondering all the things in her heart that the shepherds told her about Jesus (Luke 2:19). She literally is tossing them around in her mind. I just have so much bouncing in my head right now with all the assignments that are due tomorrow, and how I’m not going to be able to do them all, or if so it will be a miracle. Mary had this, but it was because she just had a child, which is not from human descent, and she was just getting hit so fast with life, and what Jesus was going to be. I can understand her a little bit right now. I think we all can actually, whenever life is just being… life.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
@ Ozark - Empty for You
I haven’t updated my blog in awhile, so I figured I’d so now that I have a topic. I am worried about money. This sounds like one of those times that I go through, but it really is. I need to focus on what I NEED rather than what I think I need or just would like to have. I don’t know if I need books for class, I thought today. I saw someone writing in their harmony book in my Life of Christ class today and thought that I might want to do that, which means that I would have to purchase the book. I decided however to check out most of my books that I could, and hope that I can borrow the others from friends so that I can use my last semester here at Ozark. I feel also that I need computer speakers, and a new battery for my car (because it’s dead), and things for school, like new binders and paper. I am just disorganized right now and it frustrates me. Normally I will just go and do what I need to and get it done. I have done that today, but not with needs that are tangible. Lord continue to help me have a mind that is focused on the needs of others, during this time, and not just the ones I choose, but that are in need of friendship, or money, or things that I am holding back. Get me in this mood God. I am not here to learn for myself, but to learn along with others, so that I am a well used vessel that is priceless for someone else. Help me be this to my Mother, help me to be this to my Father, help me to be this to my Brother, Help me to be this for my Grandparents, but most of all Lord help me be this for the people whom I don’t like to associate with and that is out of my comfort zone. I am not better than them, I am the same. Continue to give me passion and mercy for those that are hard to love. Tear down my pride fortress 5 blocks an hour, allow me to give to you what is yours anyway, my life, but without any hindrance, and completely for you. Amen